Insem #8… I think…

So it’s been a while. A lot of you lovelies have messaged/tweeted us asking for updates, assuming our silence was good news but, unfortunately, no....

It’s Been a While…

So I haven’t written for a while, and it’s not because of anything special happening (sadly), it’s because we have literally had a busy couple...

K’s Birth Story

I guess the story begins at 9am on 7th April when I went into the hospital for an induction via a Pessary. By this time...

Life in Lockdown, Silver Linings and Feeling

It’s been around two months since lockdown was announced in the UK following the Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak, and I’ve probably written and re-written this...

Maternity Leave

I’ve been on maternity leave for two weeks now and still have a week and a half until fidget’s due date. I thought I would...

Me, Myself, and I… and a Baby…

So after 3 weeks off, S finally went back to work. We knew it would happen, maybe not so quickly, but it would happen. We...