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The BFN and visit from Aunt Flo didn’t come as a huge surprise this cycle as it seems I did ovulate earlier than expected. Although...


I’m now over the half way mark in regards to my Vitamin taking and it’s not been too bad, actually. The only trouble I’ve had is...

Finding His Voice

I’m pretty safe to say that T has definitely found his voice. Every morning, it’s no longer frustrated noises or cries that come from his...

Having Fun With The Bump

We are at that stage in the pregnancy where it seems that beansprout is definitely interacting with us. Since about week 18 we have felt...

Insem #6 – Part 1

So insemination numero 6 (Part 1) happened last night. We’re going to have 2 inseminations this cycle – hopefully one either side of ovulation, or one...