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The BFN and visit from Aunt Flo didn’t come as a huge surprise this cycle as it seems I did ovulate earlier than expected. Although I got a positive OPK the day before the insemination date, it seems I caught ovulation at its peak level before the drop, as opposed to before the peak – although when I did test the previous days, they were negative. Perhaps my timings have changed? I usually test in the afternoon for a good result, but it seems mornings are better now as that is when I got my positive OPK. Oh well.

Nevertheless, we’re back on it for this cycle. We’ve arranged to see the donor between the 1st June and the 5th June. We’re also hoping to get in more than one deposit so that there is plenty of opportunity for the boys to be ready to do the tango.


  1. The clinics day the best quality is if they have a maximum period of three days abstinence beforehand, but no less than two days. So if you want to do the first insem on a Monday night at 8:00pm, then they ejaculate Fri night, then do not ejaculate again till you need the goods. Then, don’t do another insem for 48 hours minimum. That way it gets time to build up again. So it’s best to do your first try a couple of days before you think you will ovulate – so it’s in there waiting. Then do another right before or at ovulation. Well that would be my plan of attack anyway 😉

    1. I think that that’s what we have planned this cycle, thankfully. It’s just getting the right timings, which is difficult when you need to plan in advance. Thankfully D is amazing and is available when we needed him.

      Hope you guys are well!


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