Kinesiology – An Introduction.

To make this post easy on the eyes, I will be splitting it into two posts. This post is about Kinesiology and the session we...

Kinesiology – My Results.

Following on from our previous post, Kinesiology is in the same family as acupuncture. It visits certain “points” on your body that are linked to...


Several blogging award ceremonies are now upon us. Every year, we nominate and then vote for our favourite bloggers – sometimes spending hours on one...

Looking after the “Us”. 

Me and S have been just “us” for a long time. We’ve always had the freedom to accept invites to parties and stay out late....

Mind Games

There’s lots of things on my mind lately… Some good things and some bad things. The good thing (and the most important one) is that...

My First Midwife Appointment

I arrived at the local children’s centre waaaaaay too early (as usual). We only live about 10 minutes walking distance from the place, but for...