Not Just a Fridge

I was reading a blog post by the lovely ladies over at We Forgot The Sperm the other day, about little things that tell your story, and I couldn’t help but think about the things that tell our story – or at least tell others a bit more about us.

Our fridge is the hub of what goes on within our family. We pass it several times an hour, which means whatever goes on it rarely gets missed (although I’m pretty sure that those garden vouchers are two months old. Oops!).

From shop vouchers to shopping lists, fridge magnets of places we’ve been to, to photos of our family. It represents a piece of who we are.

Here’s a little bit of what our fridge says about us…

  1. This photo was taken at one of our first family events as a couple, a wedding in fact. We were so young in both ourselves and in our relationship! It was an interesting day as S was somewhat of a feature, being the only lesbian in the family, and her girlfriend was hardly a delicate flower, what with a large Mohawk and a suit to challenge the groom.
  2. Vouchers, lists, and more lists. This week’s current list is from Nana, who is freezer is running low on meals for T. On the other side of the fridge is a magnetic whiteboard that acts as our meal planner for the week.
  3. T’s first scan picture. A memory we will cherish for a lifetime.
  4. A lesbian fridge wouldn’t be complete without a few emotive cards and fridge magnets. This Stonewall one is my favourite as it’s so simple and yet so powerful.
  5. We’re geeks as well as parents, so our fridge wouldn’t be complete without a few geeky magnets. Batman, LEGO, and Harry Potter are just a few you can see.

We’re not the only ones who share pieces of themselves via alternative methods…

Our mug cupboard! Nearly all of our mugs are personalised, so guests usually end up drinking out of someone’s face haha!

— Jade from Raising the Rings

Our wardrobes… Three and a half double ones for me and my husband gets half… It speaks volumes!!

— Beth from Twinderelmo

When people go to the toilet in our house there is a caricature of Andy and I on our wedding day. It shows you the real us and not the lovely posed for photos.

— Laura from Dear Bear and Beany

My garden! We didn’t have a garden until we moved into our house eight years ago, so all the different gnomes and ornaments tell a story between then and now.

— Lucy from The Parenting Game

My keys! I’ve collected a keyring from every country I’ve visited so they really tell a story… although I’ve had to take my keys off separately recently as I had too many haha!

— Emily from Emily and Indiana

Our bookshelves! Books AND knicknacks; holiday paraphernalia and bits and bobs accumulated from family end up there. Some of my most precious Christmas presents from my husband are also displayed there, and – of course – special photos.

— Kate from The Less-Refined Mind

We have a souvenir shelf. Now two shelves. It holds holiday memorabilia for the past 10 years! It’s overspilling a lot now!

— Helena from Babyfoote

I have a wall in a cupboard under the stairs in which I have measured and dated us all for the last 10 years – my eldest now towers above me! It actually makes me a little sad as it’s a reminder of them when they were little.

— Ali from Mum in a Nutshell

We have a wall in our house that we stick the kids artwork, school work, certificates and awards on. It’s interesting to see how they change and develop, our eldest especially with his writing and drawings.

— Elizabeth from Where Roots and Wings Entwine

In the playroom I have a rope and mini pegs, one with the children’s drawings and another with pictures of the children growing up. I also have a little shelf of all the things the children have made, I do yearly hand prints to see how big they keep growing.

— Paige from Paige’s Preferences

For me, it’s the chalkboard in our kitchen, full of holiday fridge magnets, a save the date from our wedding, and the house rules (which revolve around The Walking Dead).

— Mandi from Made by Mandle

We have our own style, which includes a flamboyant Victorian fireplace and traditional kitchen combined with very modern floors and walls. The walls are all decorated with inspirational quotes. I think you can tell a lot about a person by their style.

— Rich from Cash Savvy Tips

We love to travel and be outdoors as a family and, not only do I have a wall dedicated to welly boot pictures and artwork, I have a collection of mosaic animals (mostly geckos), one from each of our holidays abroad.

— Emma from The Mini Mes and Me

I’ve got wooden/pottery cats that I’ve collected from around the world dotted around the house, and pine cones my son collects from everywhere we visit at home and abroad.

— Mary from Over 40 and Mum to One

Our cookbook collection; we try and pick up a new recipe book from every country we visit – there is some lovely recipe inspiration in them! I really enjoy reading all the different ideas and then trying to make some of them!

— Lauren from Mummy is a Gadget Geek

I’m another fridge person. Glad to know I am not the only one! Ours is covered in magnets from various holidays and day trips, photo cards (hubby and I always do photo cards of the kids for each other’s birthdays), other family photos, little drawings from our children, lists and so on.

Sometimes I wonder if it looks a bit cluttered, but everyone always comments on it and spends ages looking at all the old photos. Far better than having them all still sat on the computer, I think! The rest of our kitchen cupboards have our children’s art work on.

— Cathryn from Cardiff Mummy Says

It’s nice to know we’re not the only ones who detail their life in a small space. It’s also the things you don’t realise – like your CD/DVD/book shelves, your clothes, even what you eat – that tell others a bit about you.

What have you shared recently? What place in your home tells others a bit about you?



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