If you’re not familiar with the various terms and abbreviations used on forums and websites that discuss baby-making, don’t fret – there have been many occasions where we too have been reading and not known what the heck it all means!
With this in mind, we have put together a list of key ‘Trying to Conceive’ (TTC) related abbreviations to help you familiarise yourself with the terminology. This won’t include everything, but it will certainly cover the most frequently used terms, including ones that we use regularly in our writing.
If you have any useful abbreviations that you think we should include, please let us know!
– (minus) | Negative Test Result |
+ (plus) | Positive Test Result |
2WW (or TWW) | Two-Week Wait (the wait to see if your eggs have fertilised) |
A | |
AF | Aunt Flo (your period) |
AFNW | Aunt Flo Not Wanted |
AI | Artificial Insemination |
AO | Anovulation |
AOA | Anti-Ovarian Antibody |
ASA | Anti-Sperm Antibody |
ATA | Anti-Thyroid Antibody |
AZH | Assisted Hatching |
B | |
BBT | Basal Body Temperature |
BC | Birth Control |
BCP | Birth Control Pills |
BD | Baby Dancing |
BFN | Big Fat Negative (or BFFN… you can guess what the other F is!) |
BFP | Big Fat Positive |
BG | Blood Glucose |
BH | Braxton Hicks |
Big O | Orgasm |
BMS | Baby-Making Sex |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BSE | Breast Self Exam |
BW | Blood Work |
C | |
C | Cervix |
CB | Clear Blue (pregnancy test) |
CD | Cycle Day |
CF | Cervical Fluid |
CM | Cervical Mucus |
CP | Cervical Position |
CTX | Contraction |
D | |
DDC | Due Date Club |
DE | Donor Eggs |
DI | Donor Insemination |
DPxDT | Days Past [number] Day Transfer |
DPO | Days Past Ovulation |
DPR | Days Past Retrieval |
DPT | Days Past Transfer |
DTD | ‘Did The Deed’ |
E | |
EPT | Early Pregnancy Test |
ET | Embryo Transfer |
EW/EWCM | Egg White / Cervical Mucus |
F | |
FET | Frozen Embryo Transfer |
FF | Fertility Friend |
FP | Follicular Phase |
I | |
IF | Infertility |
IUI | Intra-Vaginal Insemination |
IVF | In-Vitro Fertilisation |
L | |
LMP | Last Menstrual Period |
LP | Luteal Phase |
LPD | Luteal Phase Defect |
LSP | Low Sperm Count |
M | |
MC | Miscarriage |
MS | Morning Sickness |
MW | Midwife |
O | |
O | Ovulate/Ovulation |
O’ing | Ovulating |
OC | Oral Contraceptive |
OPK | Ovulation Predictor Kit |
OPT | Ovulation Predictor Test |
OV | Ovary |
P | |
P4 | Progesterone |
PCOD | Polycystic Ovary Disease |
PCOS | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
PG | Pregnant/Pregnancy |
PMS | Pre-Menstrual Syndrome |
POAS | ‘Pee on a Stick’ |
S | |
SA | Semen Analysis |
T | |
TTC | Trying to Conceive |
U | |
US | Ultrasound |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |