Days Out Our Visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour (2013)May 24, 2013 For Sharon’s birthday, we went to the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Tour near Watford, London. If you’re not… 0 0 0
Baby Making Rants Things People Don’t Tell You… About Trying to Conceive a GaybyMay 20, 2013 10. Sperm is minging. That is all. It also does some crazy shit with your body. 9. You… 0 0 0
Baby Making Health Taking Some Time Off…May 10, 2013 S and I are thinking about taking a month off during one cycle to test my BBT and… 0 0 0
Baby Making A THANK YOU!May 5, 2013 If you’re a regular reader of this blog, we’d like to say THANK YOU. It hasn’t been the… 0 0 0
Baby Making Health The Signs of PregnancyMay 1, 2013 According to What to Expect, the ‘typical’ pregnancy signs are as follows: Tender breasts Different coloured areolas (look… 0 0 0