Where I Am Today

It’s a funny thing, being a parent.

I’m part of the biggest gang in the world and yet I can feel so alone.

Parenthood is one of the oldest clubs in history and yet it’s still so new to me.

I’ve been given one of the greatest gifts of all, making me one of the happiest women alive, and yet some days I can feel like crying.

At work I used to challenge people, and yet parenting now challenges me.

I can feel so lost, despite knowing exactly where to go.

I’ve had nearly 30 years of life experience and yet someone with only four months of life experience can throw all that out the window.

It’s a funny thing being a parent, because sometimes it’s not so funny at all.


  1. You’re not alone. All new parents feel this way. It gets easier. You gain more confidence. Your little one sleeps better and better, at more predictable times and you’ll have more and more time to start feeling less alone. You’re doing a great job! Xx

    1. Thank you. The feeling has just come on today even though I went to a baby group with some of my post natal group mums! You’d think I wouldn’t feel so alone but I do. I’m just not feeling it today. X

      1. I remember going through that too. I didn’t have a lot of friends with babies at the time. I had acquaintances with young babies (from those mom groups) but nobody close or so I’d talk to often. This time around I’ll (hope to) make sure to take care of myself as well as I did my daughter. One day at a time!

        1. I think that’s what my issue is. I get on with the post natal mums and they’re lovely, but I don’t have anything in common with them (apart from our kids) and we don’t meet up a lot, which is annoying. Thankfully, I have a friend or two that have kids the same age as T but they’re not local. I’ll just keep plodding alone. Thanks, lovely!

  2. Acknowledging and talking about those feelings is the best thing that you can do – for yourself and for other mums.

    There’s often a sense that parenting is easier for everybody else: that other parents know what they’re doing, feel more certain, have babies who magically don’t cry. Of course those things aren’t true, but when other people aren’t talking about the hard parts of parenting it’s easy to imagine that they just don’t exist. Talking about why parenting is SO HARD can at least make us all a little less lonely on days like these.

  3. Something out minister once said has stuck with me as I’ve navigated parenthood so far: we’re all struggling. As a minister she is able to know from the countless numbers of people who have come to her and spoken of whatever their difficulties are, everyone struggles. That makes me feel a little bit less alone. Some days… I’m sorry you’re feeling the isolation today.

    1. Thank you. It’s weirdly reassuring when you start to realise you’re not alone, but at the same time you also don’t want people to feel the same as it sucks to feel like this. Tomorrow is a new day! X

  4. You have hit the parenting nail on the head here, such a good post, I can relate to everything you’ve said here.

    1. Thank you, lovely. I’m glad and sad at the same time. Glad that I’ve managed to relate, but sad that you can relate. We can do this! X

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