Toddlers: Getting Away With Everything, and I Mean EVERYTHING!

The other day, I was eating a cheese sandwich when the toddler came over and took a bite from the end – the other end was in my hand heading towards my mouth. Sitting there in disbelief at his confidence and boundary crossing, I carried on with lunch. After all, I was sat on the floor, so anything below the sofa is fair game for toddlers right?

The day before that, his first words on the monitor that morning were “MUMMY! POO!” The week before that, Oscar got a finger in the eye. I’ve also had several occasions in public where T has reminded me that his bowels are on the move or the apple he’s eating is no good for him and is therefore a good projectile or that the woman sat next to him on the bus is “Bleugh!” I don’t know about you, but if I did half the things that T does these days I’d be arrested, sectioned or thumped. How can they get away with it?

It’s bad enough trying to contain or entertain a toddler, but add members of the public to the mix or people you still want to be friends with and you’ve got embarrassment waiting to happen. Most of the time it’s cute or you can laugh it off, but when your toddler runs after random men shouting ‘Daddy’ (true story) it’s hard to know which way to look!


I’m not alone

Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, I’ve realised I’m not alone in this. There are TONS of toddlers out there wreaking havoc with their parents’ comfort zones and boundary lines.

From their toilet outbursts…

Telling an entire room when they’ve had a poo…

— Jen from Just Average Jen

Announcing to everyone that they need a “wee-wee”, no matter where or when!

— Cath from Passport and Adventures

Asking everyone to come and have a look at their poo, telling a stranger about how Mammy doesn’t wee out of a tail, wiping bogies on Mammy’s coat, or telling the bin men that you love them.

— Cat from Rock and Roll Pussycat

To yours!

Accompanying their parents to the loo and watching them as they go…… it’s terribly off putting!

— Lucy & Claire from The Happy Weaner

Asking where a tampon went…

— Nat from The Diary of An Unexpectant Mother

From general nakedness…

Stripping naked at every public opportunity!

— Tracey from Pack the PJs

For my girl it was pulling her skirt up in public! Plus honesty, when inappropriate – she once told my neighbour her house smelt bad!

— Kelly from The Best Version of Kelly

Eating breakfast/lunch/dinner naked. What is it with toddlers loving being ‘free’?! 😂

— Alex from Lamb & Bear

To boundary lines being crossed!

Standing inches away from someone’s face staring while they are trying to eat…

— Carly from Mummy and the Chunks

Eden has got into the habit of pointing out noses randomly. Usually on other kids. She wanders over to them and greets them by posting at their nose and shouting “NOSE!

— Laura & Aidan from Papa, Eden & Me

Sitting there trying to eat the dogs toys…

— Jess from Beauties and The Bibs


Whacking people on the arse and running away!

Emma Reed

Lifting up a top to point out their belly button to strangers…

— Hollie from Thrifty Mum

Poking people’s bottoms and saying “That’s your bum crack!

— Sarah from Arthurwears

Needing to ‘cheers’ anyone quite forcefully whenever they have a drink at the same time as you!

— Kayley from Friendly First Foods

We bumped in to an acquaintance when we had our daughter. Their son, 2, kept reminding me, over and over, that I have a vagina. Also, he had a penis. As he kept telling me. Pretty sure that would just be strange as an adult.

— Katy from Katykicker

Crying over the wrong shape sandwiches or cup colour…

— Emma from They Grow So Quick

Being outside doesn’t even stop them!

Spontaneously fall asleep whilst eating, shopping, in public…

That British Betty

Look expectantly at people after walking across the room, waiting for praise and applause.

The Ish Mother

When I bought my son a new pair of shoes, he clomped around town shouting ‘new shoes! new shoes!!’ – I’m certain I would get a few looks if I did that!

— Becci from To Aufinity and Beyond

Give a running commentary on a stranger getting undressed in the swimming pool changing room!

— Natalie from Plutonium Sox

Doing to the supermarket dressed at Batman!

Becci Alexis

How about ‘going to the shops dressed as a unicorn’, or ‘answering the door with no top on!’

— Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine

It’s reassuring to know that I’m not alone, but it still doesn’t stop toddlers being able to get away with the most inappropriate behaviour!

What things do your toddlers do that you can’t get away with?

  1. Haha love this post, it’s so funny and too true! Thank you for the mention too. That was not a proud moment with my little girl haha!


  2. My son is 8 and he STILL he tends to try to strip naked at every given opportunity!

  3. You barely touched on mealtimes. I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to completely disassemble my food into component parts and then only eat half of them, while flicking something off my fingers across the room 😀

  4. It’s like dealing with a drunk dwarf! You don’t know what they will do next! S’s favourite at the moment is to tell strangers whether that have a Vagina or a penis. Not sure I’m so happy he’s learnt about body parts now!

    Also. His daddy is in the military. Any time he sees someone in uniform he shouts ‘DADDY’ as loud as he can.

    1. Drunk dwarf. Haha. That’s quite sweet re his daddy – at least yours has a reason. My toddler calls most men grandad or daddy. Hahaha

  5. Using the table on their high chair more as a launch-pad than a lunch-pad: check a thousand times over. I was told that it was something they had to do instinctively as their brains try and work out distances and throwing and what have you. But why does it have to be the food I spent ages making?

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