What You Need to Consider and Do Before Moving Home

Your current home may be too small due to starting a family or you might have simply outgrown it. If so, you may be looking to move home. Before you do, there are some things to consider before moving home.

Having the perfect home is ideal for your safety and convenience. We spend most of our time at home. Thus, it needs to be right for you and your needs.

Work out how much you can afford

Before you move home and upgrade, you need to know how much you can afford. House prices have likely increased since you moved as house prices are increasing every year. Preparing your finances before you decide to move is key to ensure that you can afford it.

If you are unsure how much you can borrow for your next mortgage then you can use tools such as MortgageCalculator.UK. There, you can input your information and it will let you know how much you can borrow and afford for the next home.

[Credit: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels]

Make sure it ticks your boxes

Your current home may not fulfil your preferences or satisfy your needs. Thus, you may be moving to live in more convenience. You will want to make sure that your new home ticks your boxes.

For instance, you may be working from home more, which requires you to have more space for an office or a desk. If so, you will want to look at the space and make sure that you have enough space for your needs.

Safety of the area

Safety is key, especially if you are bringing up children. Checking that the area is safe is crucial before you finalise your decision on the area.

You can run checks online or simply ask the locals in the neighbourhood. Getting to know the area by spending some time there will help you get a feel for its safety.


Speaking of checking out the area, you will also want to ensure that it is convenient and offers everything that you are looking for.

For example, you might be bringing up children and have a job in the city. If so, you will want local schools and a train or bus station. You will want to make sure that the location is convenient and makes your life as easy as possible.

Child safety

If you are bringing up children, then you will want to make sure that the house is child safe. The interior and exterior should be checked for areas or features that could pose a threat to your children.

If the issues can be fixed, then it is okay. Yet, if there are areas that cannot be changed, then the home might not be ideal for you and the safety of your children. For instance, if the garden is vulnerable to wild animals, then your child may not be safe to play outside.

[Credit: Agung Pandit Wiguna / Pexels]

Storage space

Having enough storage space is just as important as having enough physical space for living. Being able to store your belongings will make your home more convenient and less messy.

You should check each room for the storage space it offers. Everything from the kitchen to the garage should have storage space or room for your convenience.

What to do before moving house

After doing the essential checks, you will be on the journey of finding and finalising your next home. When you have found the right house for you, there is a list of things to do before moving to make the process as smooth as possible.

Set a date

You will want to set a date before you move so that you have a definite day and time to move out of your current home and into the new home. If you don’t decide on a date and get it written in the contract, then you might be left without a place to stay. Or, you might delay the moving process.

Setting a date as soon as you have exchanged contracts will mean that you have something to aim for and help you get organised.

[Credit: Anete Lusina / Pexels]

Get insurance

Getting home insurance is down to you. Although it is not a legal requirement to have home insurance, there are many benefits. Should anything happen to your home or your belongings get damaged or stolen, you will be covered.

You can either use the home insurance provider you currently use or find a new one depending on your location, budget, and needs.

Hire a van

Moving home entails moving a lot of stuff. Whether you need to move furniture or your kitchen appliances, you likely won’t be able to fit it into one car. Thus, having a van will make the process much easier.

To get the best deals on van hire, it helps to hire them midweek and in off-peak times. You should book the van ahead of time so that you can rest assured that you have help when it comes to moving day.

Change your bills

Whether you are sticking with your bill providers or changing, you will need to let the provider know. You can call them to simply change your address or cancel the membership.

If you are looking to reduce the price of your bill or change your allowance, you should let your current energy provider know and they will likely help you find the best solution and price to suit your needs.

Let your healthcare providers know about your move

Before moving home and/or location, you should let your healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, etc) about your move. You may simply need to change your address on their system. Or, you might want to change your provider, in which case you should let your current healthcare providers know and find new ones in your new area.


Decluttering before moving home means you will have less stuff to take and less to sort when you get to the new home.

You should start the decluttering process early so that it doesn’t get mixed in with the essential moving stages such as contract signing and finding insurance. You can do a little at a time to ensure you don’t forget to declutter certain rooms and not get overwhelmed.

[Credit: Rodnae Productions / Pexels]

Order new things ahead of time

You might need new things for your new home. Whether it is a sofa or a coffee machine, it will help to order it ahead of time.

Furniture items typically have a long delivery wait. Sometimes you could be waiting for months for a new sofa, in which case you will want to order it as soon as possible before moving home.

Likewise, if you order small things ahead of time, there will be less to deal with when you move in and you will have everything ready to go when you unpack.

Ask the seller some final questions

Before moving home, especially before you finally move in, there are some final questions that you might want to ask the seller so that you know everything possible about the home. This includes:

  • Where the gas and electricity meters are (and what providers they use): You will want to know where the gas and electricity meters are so that you can read them and monitor them when you reside there. Asking them about their current providers may also help you get a better deal and the best price for the home.
  • How to shut off the water: Asking where the stopcock isn’t a silly question. It is essential in case you experience a leak or simply wish to shut off the water supply.
  • Ask for old tins of paint: If you like the current colour of the home and want to update it and refresh it, then there is no harm in asking the owners if they have any old tins of paint so that you can repaint the walls. Or, you can ask for the make and colour to ensure that you match the colour.
  • There are small questions that come in handy like asking what days the bins are collected. You won’t want to miss the date, especially on your first few weeks as you will likely have some stuff to get rid of.
  • Ask what the neighbours are like: Knowing what the neighbours are like will let you know who they are and what they do before you meet them. You will be able to find out if they are nice, loud, or friendly.
  • If you are interested in where the carpets, flooring, or tiles come from, then you can ask them. You might want to replace them if they get broken or you might want the same finish just updated. Thus, you can get to know more about the interior in case you want to use the same materials.

Moving home is a big process and requires a lot of careful planning and consideration. Thus, use this guide to make your move as smooth and fuss-free as possible.

[Credit: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels]

Feature image credit: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

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