Taking Some Time Off…

S and I are thinking about taking a month off during one cycle to test my BBT and what it looks like when I don’t have invaders in my body as well as to see what my BBT looks like during the time near to AF visiting without invaders.

When we first started trying we did one month of testing my BBT before we started insemination to see what was ‘normal’ but I was quite ill at the time and we’re starting to think that it may have been good to do another batch of BBT tests when I am not so snotty and flu-ridden. We were just so excited to start that we thought “sod it” and just started.

Is this a good idea or shall I leave it so that my body can continue to adjust to the invaders? It’s clear by the BBTs that my body is being affected by the little buggers so I don’t want my body to be used to it and then have to have it start again because we’ve given it a break for one cycle? What do you think?

This idea is purely for us to be able to read the BBTs better. At the end of the day if I am, then I am. No amount of BBT reading is going to change that but at least if we can see a significant difference between an invader-free month and an invader-full month then we may not have to have our hopes up for so long. Who knows…


PS: Speaking of being affected by the invaders, I had the shortest visit from AF this cycle that I’ve probably ever had in my life. On top of this, it was a very light visit, which, without being too graphic, is not normal for me at all. What the bloody hell (see what I did there) is going on?!

  1. When we first started our TTC journey I used to monitor my temp too. I did it for 3 months but couldn’t discern any kind of pattern so I stopped monitoring and just used the ovulation sticks instead. With either method I was never able to narrow down my ovulation more than to around 48 hrs. In the end it was a moot point as we discovered that the clinic we were going to use had an egg-sharing programme where another woman/couple would pay for my IVF treatment if I donated half my eggs to her. Prise wise it worked out cheaper than IUI so that’s what we did.

    In any case, if you think that the data would make more sense if you skipped AI this month then do it. Just bear in mind that it may be more confusing instead.

    Finally, I know this process is an emotional rollercoaster but please don’t give up hope. Most of my friends who used IUI took 5-7 times to get pregnant – I’m hoping that will encourage you rather than discourage you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you both.

    (Sorry about the ramble!)

  2. Hi,

    Before I comment I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your blog so thanks for taking the time to write it.

    My wife and I are finally pregnant (I am carrying) after a year of trying. We decided upon going to a fertility clinic in the end as we thought it would make the legal side of things easier.

    My advice would be not to worry about body temperatures. The clinic advised us just to relax and trust the OPK tests. Try to do lots of nice things together during your two week wait to take your mind off things. I didn’t get any pregnancy symptoms until the day I took my test do you’ll just drive yourself up the wall trying to symptom spot… I know it’s easier said than done!!

    Good luck, I’ve been keeping my fingers crossed for you both every month!

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