Why I Breastfeed…

As part of National Breastfeeding Week – a campaign dedicated to raising awareness, increasing acceptance, and promoting support – the lovely Vivienne from Another Bun invited me to join in on her #WhyIBreastfeed campaign as part of the week long campaign by UNICEF.

Although I already actively write about my breastfeeding journey, I couldn’t not get involved. Breastfeeding is such a huge part of my life, and something I take very seriously. Here’s why I do it…

Free food: I’d be surprised if this doesn’t go through your mind when you’re having a bad day, have you seen price of formula? It certainly drives me to continue.

It’s convenient: Although definitely not easy at first, once you get the hang of it – whether at home or out – it’s easy just to whip your boob out to comfort or feed your baby.

No washing up: A more comical reason, and not necessarily something that drives me – but it’s true!

It’s full of the good stuff: Probably the most important reason. Antibodies, nutrients, fat. There’s a reason T is now 14lb9oz at only 10 weeks old.

Bonding: It’s something you can’t replicate elsewhere. Whether it’s the way T grabs my thumb as he feeds, or the way he doesn’t stop looking at me; it’s our special time. Just us.

And finally…

Because I want to.

Why do you breastfeed? Join in with the hashtag #WhyIBreastfeed.


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