Starting a blog can feel a bit daunting if it’s something you’ve never done before and you may find yourself wondering just where to start. This is why we’ve put together some top tips for starting a family blog that should have you well on your way in no time at all.
There are so many reasons to start a family blog. It can be a great way to document what you get up to with your kids and other half and it can also be a perfect creative outlet. If you are someone that enjoys writing and taking photos, it’s a lovely way to get to do this and about something that you love and are passionate about.
Choose the theme you want to use
There are many sites that you can use in order to create your blog. You could decide to use WordPress, which is the most popular program to use, or you could try Blogger or consider Wix. These are all great programs with negatives and benefits to each depending on what you want to use it for and the sort of blog you are planning on having.
Once you’ve decided on the program, you will want to choose a theme and layout for your blog. Consider how often you’ll post and the amount of categories you will have.
Decide what you want to post about
Once you have your site theme ready, you need to think about what you want to post about. Will you be writing purely family-based content? Or will you have other sections such as lifestyle and tech in there too? If there are other things you are passionate about, writing about it can be a good idea to add those in as well. Make sure you don’t overwhelm your site with too many sections as it can be difficult to maintain and continually write about them all. You want it to be fun and not a chore!
Make social media channels
In this day and age, social media has never been more important for the success of a blog. It’s a good idea to focus on the social media channel that you enjoy and use the most as this will be easiest to maintain.
Some of the best ones at the moment, particularly for bloggers, include Instagram (which is very visual) and TikTok (which is great if you are looking to post videos).
Get organised
When it comes to running a blog, the key is to be as organised as possible. You want to make sure you have regular posts going out and that if you have been and reviewed somewhere it is written up in a timely fashion. It’s a good idea to give yourself a dedicated space to work such as an office or study and that you keep all your documents in a shared drive so they can be accessed anywhere. You also need to keep your computer organised, such as sorting out any purgable space to clear up storage when it becomes too full. This will mean you can continue to save your photos and documents as and when you need.
Have a way to take photos
A blog is very visual so you want to ensure you have a means of taking photos. Some people choose to use a professional camera, while others use their phones. The method you use is up to you and depends on your budget and how good your phone camera is. When uploading images to a website you want to make sure the quality is good as otherwise it can hinder how good your blog looks.
If you use stock images, be sure to credit them and only use ones that allow for re-use. This will avoid you getting in any trouble!
These are just a few top tips that help you when it comes to starting a family blog. You could find that over the years and as your children grow up, your blog evolves and changes – that’s perfectly normal. It will always be a lovely thing for you to look back on and remember all the good times you had as your family were growing up. It can almost be like a diary for you!
If you are looking into starting a family blog, or if you have just started one, do you have any tips to help someone else out? What did you find helpful? Let us know in the comments!
Feature image credit: Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels