40w4d Update

It’s no shock that I’m overdue, most first babies are. But when you’re told that you could possibly have your baby from 37w (full gestation), you kinda start to prepare yourself for the arrival at any moment. It’s been three weeks since 37w and I feel no closer to seeing this baby than I did several weeks ago.

Over the past three weeks, I’ve felt the occasional tightening, where it feels like a balloon is being pumped up inside my bump, and I’ve had cramping on and off, but nothing that would indicate that baby is on their way. Maybe all the tightenings and cramping is baby on their way, but I assumed I would feel a lot more ‘going on’. Not that I’m complaining, as I’ve heard it smarts, but it’s all pretty relaxed at the moment.

I had my midwife appointment last Friday (27th, 40w1d) and I’ve been booked in for a sweep this Friday (3rd, 41w1d). If that doesn’t work I’m being induced on the following Tuesday (7th, 41w5d). It would be nice to have Beansprout before this weekend as it’ll mean S will sneak a few extra days on top of her paternity leave for free, but I’m not so sure it’ll happen.

My midwife is awesome and probably would have booked me in a lot sooner for my sweep and then induction but because of the Easter bank holidays they now have limited availability this week (although the clinic I’m going into on the Friday is apparently for special appointments anyway as it’s technically a bank holiday) so the next available date for me is the Tuesday.

Fingers and toes crossed I have our baby a lot sooner, as I’m not really looking forward to the sweep, but knowing my luck I’ll go all the way to induction.


  1. Good luck! Sweeps aren’t too bad (I had about 4… Bambino was determined to stay forever!) fingers crossed you get going naturally. I was induced at 41 weeks after weeks of early labour… I did blog about it but it’s not a sugary-sweet lovely birth story so maybe don’t read it if you’re anxious!

    Sending good baby vibes your way. Remember labour is just a means to an end, it’s just one day and however well (or not so well) it goes, all it means is your family will be together at last!


    1. Thanks, lovely. This is really nice. Can’t believe you had four sweeps! I thought women who had two had a tough ride!

      Re labour, that’s what I keep telling myself. It will end, and I’ll have a baby by the end of it. X

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