Baby Making Updates The Week That Was Ours!September 21, 2014 I was on approximately CD27 (13DPO) when I went on holiday – I say approximately, as our app… 0 0 0
Baby Making Updates The Week That Wasn’t Even the TWWJune 11, 2014 If you follow us on Twitter, you would have seen that last week was one of the most… 0 0 0
Baby Making Insem #9June 2, 2014 I’m feeling really positive this cycle. I know I shouldn’t but, if I truly am fixed, then there… 0 0 0
Baby Making Updates So Here We Are Again…February 2, 2014 The beginning of the year started really well, better than we ever expected, in fact. We found a… 0 0 0
Baby Making Health Are We There Yet?February 1, 2013 So the Two Week Wait (TWW) was over on the 26th January and my period/Aunt Flo (AF) was… 0 0 0
Baby Making Reviews Fertility Friend (Mobile iOS App) ReviewJanuary 18, 2013 When we first started the process of having a baby we were advised to record things such as… 0 0 0