An Interview With T at 6 (ANOTHER Lockdown Special)

When T was just about to turn 3, we introduced a cute little feature on this blog where would interview T every year around his birthday. We used it as an opportunity for readers to find out a little bit more about him, as well as for us to document changes big and small.

Over the years, we’ve found out his eating habits and favourite toys, as well as a few of the funny things he likes to say and do. The only year we missed was when he was 4, which was gutting as 4 was a funny year for him developmentally, but we decided to pick it up again last year during lockdown when T was 5.

T is a funny little human, with little intricacies that you only notice with time. He has a wicked sense of humour and is always so passionate about his greatest loves. At the moment it’s LEGO, Hot Wheels and Pokémon. If you’d like to read about T turning 6, go check out our ‘6 Year Update’ post.

T at 6

K: What’s the best thing about being 6?

T: I can run faster now that I am 6. I like climbing and I’m not bad on my scooter.

What makes you laugh?

When someone tells me a joke. I love jokes.

Can you tell me a joke?

How does the sea say hello? They wave!

Who do you love and why?

I love my mummies.

What’s your favourite book?

I’m enjoying my book about Thor as I like The Avengers. I don’t have a favourite favourite favourite book at the moment.

Favourite food?

CHEESY PASTAAAAAAAAAAAA! With stringy cheese on top and broccoli in the middle.

Favourite song?

Puff the Magic Dragon.

Favourite outfit?

I like wearing shorts and suits. (I have no idea. This boy has never worn a suit.)

Favourite TV programme?

Bakugan!!!!!! Bakugan, let’s go like a big bowl! (Something to do with a big brawl.)

Favourite toy?

I like everything. LEGO, Hot Wheels, Transformers. Did I say LEGO?

Favourite thing to do?

I LOVE playing Mario Kart and going out with Mama and catching Pokémon on Pokémon Go.


How do you feel about being in lockdown?

It was OK as I got to spend time with Mama when she was working at home, but then I missed going to places and seeing my friends.

Is there anything you like about lockdown?

More telly.

What don’t you like about lockdown?

Not going out.

What are you missing whilst in lockdown?

My friends and seeing castles.

What have you learnt whilst being in lockdown?

How to play Mario Kart and win. (I beg to differ.)

Do you have a message for other children in lockdown?

It’s not forever.

Questions from our followers!

This year, we decided to open to floor to our followers and let them ask T a few questions. If you follow us on Instagram you would have seen us answering these one afternoon. If you missed it, here they are in all their glory.

Great questions, folks! Here we go…

What’s the best thing about each of your mums?

They’re beautiful.

What’s your favourite dinner?

CHEESY PASTA!!!!!! Because it’s stringy.

What have you liked the most about lockdown?

Seeing all my friends in school.

That’s after lockdown. They mean during lockdown…

Being at home.

What’s your favourite thing to do as a family?

I like… going out.


I like going on holiday and then going out. I like going out on my scooter and my bike.

What advice would you give to your future self?

I would travel on a train to the moon.

No, they mean if you could speak to yourself when you are older…

Oh. I’d say that I’m beautiful.

What country would you like to visit and why?

I’d like to visit a hot planet.

No, a country. On this planet.

Erm…… I don’t know.

What was your favourite thing you did this year?

My birthday was fun.

What is your favourite type of weather?

I like sunny weather. I like to wear shorts and no more coats!

If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be?

Cheesy pastaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

What’s the best day you could have?

[thinks for a long time]

I would go to the beach in Dorset and be with my cousins.

What would you rather have, a bath of beans or a bath of custard?

A bath of beans and custard!

You can’t do both. You have to choose one.

A bath of custard because it’s cool.

What’s the best thing about having two mums?

They’re beautiful.

What’s your favourite thing to do with your mums?

I like playing Pokémon Go with my Mama, and I like playing Mario Kart with Mummy.

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