Pick a Card, Any Card… Or Not: Part 2

Whilst writing our previous post – talking about my mother’s wife – my Mac (or perhaps Pages, the application I was using), decided that it was acceptable to notify me that ‘wife’ was a gender specific term and that perhaps the word ‘spouse’ would be more appropriate in the sentence I was using.

Words are beyond me at the moment.


  1. This couldn’t have come at the worst time (for Apple). Not only am I hormonal but I was writing about an LGBT issue in another form! It’s probably quite funny, really.

    Anyway, I don’t really want to laugh this away, so if anyone has any ideas as to how I can properly address it, that would be wonderful. I have already emailed (sort of) Apple as well as LGBT charities such as Stonewall.

    Wish me luck!

    1. There’s always online petitions. Change.org is a good platform to use. At the very least it would generate some public awareness. I would gladly sign a petition to Apple on the subject.

      1. I was going to start a petition once I received (or didn’t receive) a reply. Didn’t want to go in guns blazing before they sent their response.

        Thanks for the help. 🙂

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