Television Documentary Opportunity: Want to Get Involved?

So we were approached by a researcher from Cineflix for a TV documentary. They are currently researching for a show around extraordinary pregnancies. Unfortunately, we didn’t meet their criteria as, quite bluntly, we weren’t pregnant, but we would have met the criteria if we were.

They wish to document special pregnancies ranging from lesbian/gay pregnancies, to couples that perhaps have had that extra hard struggle to get there.

Although we would have loved to get involved, we can’t. Nevertheless, we agreed to help them advertise for the ‘role’ as I’m all for raising awareness around the tough struggle couples face to create a family. Over to them…

Are you expecting a baby? Is there such a thing as a ‘straightforward’ or ‘easy’ pregnancy? Do you think you’re having – or you’re likely to have – an exceptionally interesting pregnancy?

Few mums-to-be would say that pregnancy is easy or stress-free, but for some women, having a baby presents very unusual challenges.

Cineflix Productions have been commissioned by Discovery to make six 60-minute episodes on the subject of pregnancy – our working title is ‘The Pregnancy Project’.

We’re looking for mums-to-be from all over the world, who are juggling the usual excitement and anxiety of a typical pregnancy, with an unusual situation or condition.

If you’re pregnant in an extraordinary situation (for example, you’re acting as a surrogate for a family member or having a baby as an older mother), you’re experiencing pregnancy with a pre-existing condition of your own (such as dwarfism or visual impairment) or if you have a condition brought on by your pregnancy (like extreme cravings, or severe morning sickness) – then we’d love to talk to you.

We’re also looking for mums-to-be who might have previously been told they were unlikely to conceive due to unusual gynaecology.

From sharing the news with your loved ones, to medical appointments and baby showers – right up to the big day itself – we want to explore the realities – the highs and lows, the excitement and the inevitable anxieties that being an extraordinary pregnant mum brings, and help you share your pregnancy story.

If you’d be interested in an informal chat with a member of ‘The Pregnancy Project’ production team, please send us an email or call 0203 179 0099 – we’d love to talk to you.

(And of course, congratulations on your pregnancy!)


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