Top Things You Might Not Get Told About New Babies

Becoming a parent is scary. You go from being a single person or couple who just need to worry about yourselves, to having to worry about and care for a newborn. It is one of the most exciting things you will ever do in your life and is worth every moment.

If you are pregnant, adopting, or eagerly waiting for the delivery of your new baby, there are some things that you might not be aware of. This is why we have put together some of the top things that you might not know in order to try and get you a bit more prepared.

They need a lot of stuff!

One of the first things that seem to shock a lot of new parents is just how much stuff this tiny person can need for at home. For something so small, the amount of belongings you will need for your little one is surprising. From a pram and cot to toys, books, clothes, and a changer, the list is seemingly endless. Try and shop for as much as you can before they are born so you can focus your time with your new baby once they arrive.

You may not want to leave the house

Having a new baby is scary and you may find that you don’t want to leave the house. That is okay! Getting up and dressed can be difficult when all you are looking after is yourself, let alone when you have someone else to get ready who is also making you survive on 2 hours of sleep a night.

[Credit: / Unsplash]

Try taking it slowly, maybe just a brisk walk around the block at first, before venturing further afield. Don’t forget to pack all you might need for your newborn baby when out and about – the last thing you want is to be cut short without any nappies or bottles!

No one is perfect, you are doing a great job!

Being a newborn parent you can put a lot of emphasis on wanting to be perfect and it can seem that others are doing a better job than you. Remember that no one has it completely together and you are doing a fantastic job as you are.

You are your own person and that child is so lucky to have you – so don’t be afraid to do things your own way. There will be down days as well as happy days, but remember that everyone has these and it is no reflection on your parenting ability.

[Credit: Jonnelle Yankovich / Unsplash]

There are so many things to think about when you are having a child come into your life, so try and be as prepared as possible beforehand. You will also likely have an influx of people wanting to visit, but if you aren’t ready for that and just want some time as your little family first, tell them that – they should understand.

Just take things slow, don’t compare yourself to others, and enjoy this bit as it goes quickly! At one point you might even miss the sleepless nights!

Feature image credit: Jorge Dominguez / Unsplash

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