Milestones: 7 Month Update

T is now 7 months old!

This month emphasises why I should have started our milestones photos on our bed rather than the moses basket!

This month really has flown by, which I think is down to weaning as it’s made my days even busier than they were before! In addition to the usual jobs around the house, days when I’m out, boobing or playing with him, I’m now having to think about meals. Once one meal is done and cleaned up, I’m off to the next one once he’s boobed and (sometimes) napped in between.

I’m also having to prepare bits for the freezer every few days. Not because he’s eating it all, but because I just want some stable bits stored so I don’t have to make it fresh, whether it’s mashed potato or banana pancakes.

I’ve tried doing large batch cooking but it’s not often long before he needs another feed, or just some company, so I can’t get involved in too much, and I try and avoid ‘mum stuff’ (if that makes sense) at weekends as I want to do family stuff!

Milestones wise, T quite happily sits unaided now. He rarely topples, but when he does it’s because he’s overreaching for something or the dog has barged past and knocked him over.

T still has no interest in rolling or moving at all, which (I know) is a godsend as he stays where I put him, but at the same time this means he gets frustrated easily when he wants something. I’m not overly worried (yet) as he’s sitting up and his legs are incredibly strong when I stand him up on my legs. Knowing my luck he’ll just get up and walk one day.

Things are going surprisingly well sleep-wise. As mentioned last month, we introduced him to the cot in his room. The first night he woke three times every 3 hours, the next was twice every 5, and the next he slept through! We still every now and again get hiccups where he’ll wake shortly after being put down or really early like 4:00am, but after a quick plug of the dummy or a boob he’s then back off until 7:00am. I’m really impressed and genuinely didn’t think he would settle but, so far, it’s been alright!

These past few weeks have, by far, been my favourite time. He engages a lot more with the things you put in front of him, clearly trying to work it out. He communicates a lot better, albeit babbles, but now they’re not just screams. He no longer seems to be this ‘vulnerable’ baby. Sure, you can’t leave him alone for more than 30 seconds, but you can play a lot rougher now – not in the Chinese burn kind of rough, but the (gently) throw up in the air game rough, or the rolling up and down in your arms game rough.

Although I’ll always miss it, I’m slowly dealing with the fact that our newborn baby is no longer here and, if anything, I’m starting to feel excited about what the next six months are going to bring (especially Christmas!). I just don’t want to look back one day and remember how I constantly felt sad about T growing up because he was no longer this or that. I actually want to look back and remember all the new and exciting things we experienced together, and how happy that made us. It really is a once in a lifetime experience, and I should enjoy it!


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