I’ll be honest. When I thought about what it would be like with a newborn I thought it would be slightly easier than when you have a toddler. Not easy by any means. Easier. I thought my day would consist of three main things; changing, feeding, sleeping. Everything in between would be a bonus. I thought I’d be able to whip up a gourmet meal whilst he slept and have it ready for when S came home AND eat it. Newborn babies sleep loads, especially after eating, right? Wrong.
Over the past five weeks, because of T’s love of being awake for longer, I’ve learnt tons of new skills, a very special set of new skills…
- I’ve learnt when projectile urine is imminent.
- I’ve learnt how to cook a Thai curry / chilli con carne / lasagne / stir-fry in under 20 minutes.
- I’ve learnt what mess T has made by the smell of his crotch.
- I’ve learnt how to make a cup of tea with one hand.
- I’ve learnt what type of day it’s going to be going on how T has woken up.
- I’ve learnt how to pull a pram up stairs.
- I’ve learnt what T wants going on his cry.
- I’ve learnt to play fetch with the dog whilst feeding.
- I’ve learnt T prefers Setting 4 on his play mat.
- I’ve learnt how precious and valuable time is looking at how quickly T is changing already.
These skills will no doubt be regular lifesavers over the next few weeks, if not months, and on top of this I’ll hopefully acquire a few more.
What skills did you learn/have you learnt?
I have an excellent sense of A Wall Has Been Drawn Upon. I wish it was an Imminent Sense but it isn’t. Sadly.
If there is anything I’ve learned it’s that they will do things on their own time when they are good and ready. There is no such thing as a ‘set schedule’. You can try, but you better know you have to follow it very loosely… and it becomes a lot more difficult with TWO!
That picture sums up my feelings about my howling beagle/poodle mutt. I have learned how to eat one-handed.
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