When I started this blog back in 2012, I never thought I’d ever feel the desire to attend a blogging conference. I assumed they were for professional bloggers. Not me. If I’m being honest, I guffawed at the thought of sitting in a room to talk ‘blog’. I love(d) blogging, but at the time, not THAT much.
However, over the past few years, I’ve read several wonderful blogs, become friends with these wonderful bloggers, and have really got into blogging. Because of this, I’ve decided to bite the proverbial bullet and buy a ticket to Britmums Live.
The guys at Britmums have set up a ‘I’m going to Britmums (#BML16)’ linky for attendees as bit of an ice breaker. Here’s mine…
My name:
My blog:
My social media:
@lesbemums on Facebook, @lesbemums on Twitter, and @lesbemums on Instagram.
How I look:
Is this my first blogging event:
Yes! I’m excited, nervous, giddy, apprehensive, you name it. I’ve been reading blogs for years, and so the thought of meeting some of their authors has turned me into bit of a fan-girl.
I’ll be wearing:
Most likely jeans, a t-shirt, and my decade old converse that have seen better days!
What I hope to gain from #BML16:
Primarily friendships, but if I’m able to learn a few things then that’ll be a bonus!
My tips for a great conference:
As this is my first conference, I don’t have many. However, I guess organisation is key. I’ve already started packing my conference bag. It currently contains my phone/camera, notepad, pens, portable charger, book(s), snacks, and a loaded Starbucks card!
Are you going to Britmums? What are you looking forward to?
Oh exciting times! I’m starting to feel the same about Britmums, I’ve never been but I’d actually really like to now. It’s not practical this year but I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll make it next year.
Ooo enjoy every moment I am green with envy lol
Oh no! Is there no way you can attend?
Got here via the ‘I’m going to #BML linky’. May see you there. Us geezers are very thin on the ground so I’ll no doubt stand out. My fourth year of going and it’s always been excellent.
Yay! It’ll be great to say hi if I see you. I’m sure I won’t miss you – you’re about 10ft tall, right? 😉
Being a woman’s woman I think I sit in both camps. 🙂
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