3 Ways for Making Ends Meet in the Current Climate

Although it might not feel like it, the economy is on its knees. The shocking thing is, the fundamentals are fine! We still have everything in place i.e. good manufacturing sights, workers, strength, ideas, etc. We still have plenty of investments in property and bonds. Most have chosen to hold on to their assets rather than sell them. Precious metals and currencies are waging a silent war, that doesn’t look like it will be overheating any time soon.

So what gives? Well, lockdown is what gives! When you can no longer go outside other than work, it tends to shut the economy down. So how do we make ends meet in the current climate?

Millions of people have become at-home customers. They only buy online. The high street is in real trouble, but, that does mean that jobs shift elsewhere.

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Take the Shiply Load Board, for example, where all kinds of courier and load-hauling jobs are posted all the time. They will offer a job to transport some stock for a micro business, or perhaps a bed and furniture company wishing to deliver a bed to a customer in another city, etc. There are lots of jobs like this and all you need is a car, a van or a truck so you can begin picking up packages and delivering them to their destination. It’s a bit like Uber. You just sign up, get certified as a trusted driver, and away you go.

Warehouse manager

Although many of us think that the economy is grinding to a halt every week, with yet more restrictions etc, the governments of the world are allowing the free flow of commerce. The heart of the economy is the humble warehouse. Here is where all the goods arrive and are dispatched to local depots.

[Credit: Jens P. Raak / Pixabay]

If you have previously worked as a manager of some sort, this is a great place to build a new or temporary career. You will be given the role of managing inventory, and making way for new stock. You’ll be setting the agenda with regards to sales orders, which ones go out first, how they are loaded and when they are given the go-ahead to set off. Other issues like health and safety, good training, etc, are all under your command.

Home working accountant

As ever, there are some jobs better to work from home than others. Accounting has always been a freelancer’s dream job because you are essentially working in your own time, on your own schedule and you have plenty of time to make reports. You can work with businesses that need to balance their books, other clients such as investors want their portfolios organised and some just want their taxes and expenses done for them. It’s a great time to be a freelance accountant as the job opportunities are endless.

It’s hard making ends meet, but we’ll make it. The economy won’t stay like this forever. We just need to keep our head down, our loved ones close, and strive for a better tomorrow.

[Credit: Firmbee / Pixabay]

Feature image credit: Free-Photos / Pixabay

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