If you’re not part of the LGBTQ+ community you probably don’t think twice when you see an advert showing a mother and father bathing their baby, or when you a see a girl and a boy embracing in a film. But I do. Not all the time, that would just be weird, but more often than a straight person probably does.
See, for every straight couple I see in an advert, I see one less gay person being represented.
This point is made more poignant now that T is around. It’s going to be a long time before he notices this stuff, however the thought of him not seeing families like us on TV or in a film and wondering why breaks my heart.
So when I was out shopping the other day, I couldn’t help but notice this…
It wasn’t in a massive display or made to attract attention. It was just there. There was also a poster of two ladies getting married inside the shop as well. Again, nothing massive. Just there. And it made my heart swell.
I instantly sent a message to the company in question thanking them and went on my way.
EMBED: https://twitter.com/Lesbemums/status/824279708892332032
Literally a few days later I then spot this:
Now, I don’t know whether companies have suddenly got a memo about being more inclusive or whether there is a hidden agenda, but this is fantastic regardless. Even if they are just ‘ticking a box’ I don’t care. The fact that they’re happy to include the LGBTQ+ community in their advertising campaigns means that they’re not afraid to stand up against the homophobes and prejudice.
Ever since I realised I was gay I became obsessed with finding the LGBTQ+ community in the everyday and until now I couldn’t find it, or at least not very often or in popular mainstream advertising or television.
After this past week though I quickly took to the internet to see if I could find more and suddenly I realised that over the past few years the LGBTQ+ community have been appearing:
If you’re included in this list, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
BBC One Christmas 2016
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2cP2uEyDZU]Tiffany: Will You
Renault Twingo
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pwN-yiho4M]Macy’s: I Do
Thomas Cook
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlaCyE9oheI]IKEA
This one is especially awesome as it was shown in India where homosexuality is still a criminal offence.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZOW6W4DK-M]The list is endless! If you have a good look and I’m now left with a really positive feeling amongst all the crap that’s suddenly happening.
Change is happening folks.
I saw the Lloyds one a week or so ago and was so happy. LUSH were the first company I saw who mentioned same-sex relationships, in one of their emails, it must be a few years ago now. I was delighted as I love LUSH!
I hope we start to see an equal amount of all types of relationships in adverts in the not-too distant future so it becomes the norm and not something we have to search for xx
It doesn’t take much for TV shows, advertising, books – all media – to be inclusive. I loved these adverts and I hope more brands follow suit x
There’s a Sainsbury’s billboard on my way into town with a lesbian couple, too. 🙂
I haven’t seen this one yet – will have to take a look!
That’s so fabulous to see. Love that you’ve found these adverts and I hope there are or soon will be many more. I notice Sainsbury’s are selling Valentine’s cards for the LGBT community this year too, awesome.
No way! Really??? That’s brilliant. It’s about time, mind you.
So true. I can’t wait for the day when there’s as many same-sex adverts as straight adverts. For now we sit in suspense. I personally love the same-sex adverts by Lush, which they mainly post on Instagram.
Great post,
Liam 🙂
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