Sunday Walks

Around the area that we live are several places we enjoy walking the dog.

For years we’ve been coming to these places and whilst there, we chat. A lot.

Before T arrived, the chats would primarily be around ‘when/if we have kids’ and what we’d get up to with them. We’d daydream about days out, holidays, Christmases. We couldn’t wait for it all to become real. We also talked about fun stuff, like lottery wins, dream jobs, buying a house, you name it. These walks got us away from the hustle and bustle, and into dream land. We’d end up walking for hours, often not realising where we’d got to.

When I was pregnant, the dreams were slowly becoming real (apart from the lottery win!), although the ‘off piste’ walks quickly became shorter as I was a liability and never wore the right shoes.

Then T arrived, and although it’s taken us a few months to get back into going for long walks, it hasn’t taken us long to back to where we used to be. Disappearing into our own little bubble, and chatting about the future we now have planned as a family.


  1. I wish we could take walks here… the humidity and the heat are almost unbearable!

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