Surviving the Summer Holidays (With a 3-4 Month Old)

For the past four months I had regular outings planned every week.

On Wednesdays, I went swimming. On Fridays, I had a baby group. On one of the other days I met with my post natal mums for either soft play, coffee, or a walk (or all three!). It was a nice routine and I found T was happy with this. If I’m lucky (and not poor) I also got to meet up with S for lunch!

If I was indoors for two days in a row, T wouldn’t be as tolerant when it came to playing on the play mat or being left for that matter. It’s a funny coincidence but it’s like he was bored. So, if I wanted to do any of my housework on one of the other days, I needed to make sure I’d been out the day before.

When the school holidays arrived, my plans were well and truly scuppered. Apart from the days I met with my post natal mums, I didn’t have any real plans. Swimming had finished, and so had the majority of baby groups in the area.

T was too young for anything like baking and crafts, and I couldn’t afford places like soft play every week so I was having to think of things to do for the next four to six weeks to keep us both sane!

Here’s what we go up to…

Walks: There was definitely a lot of these. It may be an obvious one but it was still a planned activity. It also gave me time to enjoy babywearing. The dog was also happy! This, however, was very much weather dependant!

Swimming: Although not as frequent as before as the local pool is quite expensive, T loves swimming and I can always guarantee T will have a good nap after.

People watching: T loves a busy café or noisy park, so we often took ourselves out for afternoons to just sit and watch.

Local events: Whether it was a family fun day, a café opening, or an open day at a fire station; finding something to do locally meant little money and petrol.

Pet shops: This may sound a bit odd, but let me explain. Since finding his focus, T has become very aware of what’s around him. He’s often found staring at our fish tank or out the window, so one day I took him to our local chain pet shop (which happened to be next to where I needed to go anyway) and let his eyes run loose with the guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, and reptiles. It lasted all of 30 minutes but it was somewhere new (and free!).

Libraries: Libraries are free (my favourite word) and often have activities for young ones during the holidays. I’ve done my fair share of rhyme time already, but keep going back for more!

When T’s older, even by a few months, I’m hoping the activities will be easier to come by but, for now, I think I’ve done pretty well at keeping us both occupied during the summer holidays.

How do/did you get through the week during the summer holidays? What did you get up to?


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