Camp Bestival 2017: Our Highlights

It seems like a lifetime ago that we were at Camp Bestival in the gorgeous fields of Lulworth Castle and dancing to Right Said Fred in the rain. In an instant I would pack the car up and do it all over again.

In addition to our post about our first Camp Bestival experience, which honestly doesn’t go into detail about how much we enjoyed ourselves, we’ve decided to share our highlights (to add to those already mentioned!) from the festival.


Gosh, where do we begin? If it wasn’t the time we were taken back to the ’90s, listening to All Saints and Right Said Fred, we were dancing to Sara Cox at the biggest disco ball in the world.

I am not exaggerating when I say there is literally something happening, several things happening in fact, at any given time. There were several times when we had great difficulty choosing where we wanted to be, and although we made the right decisions, seeing other people’s posts did make us second guess ourselves.

From what we managed to squeeze in, our favourite place to be was the Dingly Dell and one of my biggest regrets was not spending more time here. We also enjoyed being in the lower field, which is where a lot of the children’s activities were, as well as the fairground. No matter where you placed yourself you had a variety of shows to watch and music to listen to. I really enjoyed watching the Science Shows and listening to music from Oberon’s Observatory.

[Source: Camp Bestival]


Although we took food with us so we had breakfast and dinner in the tent, I’m confident to bet my life savings that if we had only taken food for breakfast, we would have easily had enough variety on site to have something different every day!


There was so much to choose from, meal times soon became our favourite part of the day (aside from seeing All Saints). Living in Brighton, you don’t often find anywhere with half as much variety available, but Camp Bestival had it all.

My favourites were the Happy Maki (Sushi Rolls) and Anna Mae’s Mac and Cheese. Sharon’s was an Indonesian curry from The Feast Collective, and T’s was easily the chilli and chips stand and the chocolate brownie van.


You wouldn’t think you’d have much to shop for (or any money left) once you got through the food and fairground rides, but in addition to the amazing entertainment there were some wonderful stalls to buy some truly exciting things.

One of the last buys we got T was a large bubble wand from the BubbleInc. This place was magical, with a huge variety of bubble machines and wands to buy – it made me want to go and watch Samsam Bubbleman’s Bubble Show. I also really enjoyed being in the Spinney Hollow and wished I’d got my very own sword made.

Would you agree with these? What were your highlights?

Disclosure: We were not compensated during our time at Camp Bestival – we just think it’s bloomin’ marvellous. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

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