Our 2015

2015 was a huge one for us with the arrival of T, after trying for two years to meet him.

2016 will no doubt be just as busy what with T starting nursery, me returning to work, and T making general milestones like walking and, possibly, talking!

But before we start moving forward, here’s what our 2015 looked like…

January, February, and March were the quiet months. After a relaxing Christmas with me not being able to eat or drink what I wanted, the last few months were just a waiting game. I nested and got the house ready, S built T’s nursery and worked from home a lot. We also had a bit of fun and had a maternity photoshoot!

April, May, and June saw the arrival of T, and the beginning of our journey into parenthood. We were so lucky to have T in the spring as it meant we were able to go on several walks and start T’s swimming lessons. T also had his very own photoshoot.

I also found feeding T outside a lot easier (although it took me a while to get used to feeding in public!). Breastfeeding was a huge hurdle and I regret not talking about it more, not to mention my love of babywearing.

July, August, and September were the summer months with a lot of our time taken up with wondering whether T was in the right amount of clothing! We had our first family holiday, and also our first Gay Pride as a Rainbow Family.

October, November, and December were the autumn and winter months and, again, saw us wondering whether T had the right amount of clothing on! T started weaning and had his underwater photoshoot, and the journey back into work for K started with a few KIT days, and we got ready for our first Christmas as a family of three!

In addition to the above, I’m quite proud to say that 2015 was also the year I gained several new friends. New friends from the post natal group I attended in the ‘real’ world, and new friends from the blogging and Twitter world. I was also lucky enough to share bump time with other rainbow TTC bloggers (The Gayby Project, Chronicles of a Non-Belly Mama, Two Geek Moms, and PepiBebe) who all now have babies roughly the same age as T!

We really are lucky to live in a world of social media where people you talk to soon become actual friends. Where you can find people who have shared the same experiences. Where you find that you’re simply not alone.

This is going to be our last post of the year, so here’s to an even more social New Year. Thanks for following our journey so far, see you in 2016!

K & S

  1. Happy New Year. What a fantastic year you’ve had and here’s to more adventures in 2016.

  2. Much as I wouldn’t wish a struggle to conceive upon anyone I am so glad that you two found online friends at the same place as you on your journey and now have a pre made little ante natal gang! I’m so glad that you two are now a three and hope that your 2016 is even more amazing than this one!

    Thanks for linking up!

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