The Week That Was Ours!

I was on approximately CD27 (13DPO) when I went on holiday – I say approximately, as our app and I are in disagreements as to when I ovulated. I believe I ovulated on CD14 (06/07) due to the positive OPKs and BBT dip, but the app believes I ovulated on CD16 (08/07). At first the app didn’t believe I ovulated at all due to the fact that my BBT was all over the place during the cycle, however once I edited a few items I got my cover line.

Nevertheless, I ovulated, which was a good start. However, we were only able to get the one shot in due to timings but either way, I know it was before ovulation was due. Phew!

The first week of the TWW was easy as I was super busy at work as well as getting over excited for our holiday. The second week was also remarkably easy as I was on holiday! I was stuffing my face as well as entertaining a very active 7-year-old – I was keeping myself happily occupied – however, I was very aware of the up-and-coming visit from AF, which was bit of a downer, especially on holiday, which is a time I like to go swimming. Nevertheless, I wasn’t going to let myself think about it for a change.

S was also really well behaved, although she did slip in the occasional “How are you feeling?”, which was answered with a generic “Fine.” I didn’t want to think about anything TTC related.

We took our BBT thermometer with us, however we were unable to log anything on our app due to having no Wi-Fi, so we couldn’t see what my chart looked like, which was a blessing in disguise as one of the worse things during the TWW is seeing AF arrive in the form of a BBT dip before hand.

So anyway, the due date for AF came and went. I was due around 14DPO (20/07) and 16DPO (22/07) but those dates came and went. No sign of AF! Typical. I was at my most relaxed, having a great time, and AF is late! As and when it does come, it’s going to be a bad one, I thought. I wanted to go swimming and wear my white linen trousers due to the scorching heat, but there was no chance of that happening. I wasn’t taking it too seriously, though, as I’ve been late before.

But it didn’t come… however this did:

So as I write this, I’m currently, starting my sixth week of pregnancy (I still can’t believe it). I’ve booked my midwife appointment for 08/08, which will soon be the end of my seventh week. I then have to go back a week later on the 15/08 but I’m not sure what for – but right now, I don’t care.

I’m super nervous, as well as excited, but more nervous than anything. I want to scream the news from the rooftops – but I can’t.

The next 12 weeks cannot come sooner…


  1. Oh wow, I’m so happy for you both. I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and I’m so glad you have finally reached your goal. Congratulations again x

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