My Son… Thank You

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Kate Everall

(5) Comments
  1. As this made me cry! What a beautiful post. I’m sure it has been an incredible year for both of you and it’s sad that it’s coming to a close but in another year, and another after that you will both have so much more to thank the other for. I hope tomorrow goes well x

    1. Kate Everall says:

      Thank you. Sorry about the tears.

      I’ve had an amazing time and I am sad that it’s coming to an end, but at the same time T is definitely moving further and further away from being a proper “baby” which is making the nursery move a lot easier in my head (and heart). I think we’re both ready for the next stage. I actually can’t wait. X

  2. Kristyn Schultz says:

    Good luck! I had a very difficult time going back to work but my babe was barely 10 weeks old. I’m glad you got so much time with him, the first year is so precious!

  3. Good luck going back to work, mama. It’s so hard. I’ll be thinking of you.

    1. Kate Everall says:

      Thanks, lovely. It went well, actually, and T had a good day going on his report card. Huge weight off my shoulders. X

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